The Community Cares Food Bank Program supports people to meet their basic and urgent needs. Food Bank is open Monday 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and Thursday 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Please bring 2 pieces of ID and proof of current address to register.
Emergency food access is available 830 to 430 Monday to Friday excluding holidays if available.
We are closed 12:00 Pm to 1:00 Pm daily for lunch.
All services are free. The Food Bank program offers the following services in confidence to people in need:
- Food Security through distribution of Food Hampers
- Other Essential Needs such as clothing, personal hygiene products
- Life Skills workshops such as, Budgeting; one to one or in groups
- Referrals to other social, health, and economic programs & agencies
- Opportunity to volunteer and gain new skills through work experience
- Hot or cold lunches on a weekly basis
The Lillooet Friendship Centre Society travels to Gold Bridge once a month delivering hampers and other essential products to Community’s Food Bank.
Community Cares Food Bank is a member in Good Standing with Food Banks BC and the National Association of Food Banks!
Shelter Worker Support Program
Individuals at risk of homelessness, or who are homeless can access this program and receive support as they work towards achieving socio and economic independence. The Shelter Support Worker can act as a liaison in certain instances, provide up-to-date information on rental properties in Lillooet, make referrals to different agencies that may be able to support individuals and families as they work towards overcoming the different challenges they are faced with while working towards securing shelter and a source of income over the long term.
Individuals at risk of homelessness, or who are homeless can access this program and receive support as they work towards achieving socio and economic independence. The Shelter Support Worker can act as a liaison in certain instances, provide up-to-date information on rental properties in Lillooet, make referrals to different agencies that may be able to support individuals and families as they work towards overcoming the different challenges they are faced with while working towards securing shelter and a source of income over the long term.
Lillooet Friendship Centre Society would like to THANK the volunteers, businesses and members of the public who have so generously donated their time, cash and food products to the Community Cares Food Bank Program. Your contributions have made a positive impact on this program and helped countless individuals and families.